Jean Endicott, PhD

  • Professor of Clinical Psychology

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Jean Endicott, Ph.D. Professor of Clinical Psychiatry, Department of Psychiatry, College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University and Director, Division of Clinical Phenomenology and Chief of the Department of Research Assessment and Training at the New York State Psychiatric Institute.

Much of Dr. Endicott's work has involved the development of procedures to aid in the diagnosis and assessment of clinical features in both patients and non-patients, with a particular emphasis on the evaluation of outcomes of treatment.

She has also conducted studies of the diagnostic process, risk for the development and relapse of various mental disorders, course of illness, pathophysiology, treatment, as well as familial aggregation and genetics of mood disorders, including premenstrual dysphoric disorder.

Dr. Endicott has also served on a number of national and international advisory committees focusing upon the diagnosis and treatment of various mental disorders.

Academic Appointments

  • Professor of Clinical Psychology


  • Female


Our research interests are usually focused upon the diagnosis, treatment, course of illness, comorbidity, and genetics of various forms of mood disorders.

One study involves yearly follow-up evaluations of patients with major mood disorders who were enrolled in the project in l978-81. The focus of the study is on course of illness including the effects of comorbid disorders, residual symptoms, diagnostic subtype, and treatments received.

Pregnant women who have a major depressive disorder participate in a randomized study of the differential effects of Interpersonal Psychotherapy modified for pregnant women versus an educational program focused upon pregnancy and child care. The focus is upon the treatment response, bonding with the fetus and the infant, and potential for decreasing the rate of postpartum depression.

Planning is ongoing for additional studies of the association of changes in mood and behavior across the menstrual cycle.

Selected Publications

  • Endicott J, Nee J, Harrison W : Daily Record of Severity of Problems (DRSP): reliability and validity. Arch Women Ment Health 2006;9: 41-49
  • Endicott J, Tracy K, Burt D, Olson E, Coccaro EF: A novel approach to assess inter-rater reliability in the use of the OAS-M. Psychiatry Research 2002;112: 153-159
  • Endicott J: Good diagnoses require good diagnosticians: Collecting and integrating the data. Neuropsychiatric Genetics 2001;105: 48-49
  • Endicott J, Amsterdam J, Eriksson E, Frank E, Freeman E, Hirschfeld R, Ling F, Parry B, Pearlstein T, Rosenbaum J, Rubinow D, Schmidt P, Severino S, Steiner M, Stewart DE, Thys-Jacobs S: Is premenstrual dysphoric disorder a distinct clinical entity?. The Journal of Women 8: 663-679
  • Endicott J, Nee J, Harrison W, Blumenthal R: Quality of Life Enjoyment and Satisfaction Questionnaire: A new measure. Psychopharmacology Bulletin 1993;29: 321-326